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Friday, July 20, 2007

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

I think I first heard "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol on an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy”. It really caught my attention at the time. A lot of the music that I like (not all) is rather simple. Acoustic guitar (piano), mild percussion, easy vocals. This track fits along those lines. I really like to lay on the ground with my acoustic guitar and play this one. I like also the raindrops that come down in the video. I recommend to everyone, next time it rains, lay down on the ground and watch the drops fall from the sky. It is always amazing to me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Plain White T’s

Hey There Delilah

The Plain White T’s, a pop band out of Villa Park, Illinois, released their fourth album in 2006 entitled “Every Second Counts”. The song “Hey There Delilah” is a re-release with the original found in the 2005 album “All That We Needed”. The re-release made it to #2 on the US Pop 100 charts. Its a good song. I am glad they did the re-release or I never would have heard it.

You can find their current touring schedule and several songs from “Every Second Counts” on their musicians myspace page.

You can see live footage, photos, and even buy the album from the offical plain white T’s fan club site. I know its hard to believe, but these one hit wonders seem to have a following.

I like this chipmonk version

Monday, July 16, 2007

Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John

The feature video for today is “Young Folks” by Peter Bjorn and John which features Victoria Bergsman as guest vocalist. This musical trio hails from Sweden and “Writers Block” is their third release. I talked to a number of people about this song and I find a polarity. People either say that “its ok” or they absolutely hate it. For me, I think its ok. I listen to it and then, a few hours later, I find myself humming or whistling the solo. I think that is the main reason people hate it, the whistling solo. Someone put up an emergency blog to stop Peter Bjorn and John, and, while the blog has given up the cause as of March, I offer you this quote:

“They're like a Swedish Milli Vanilli. And worse: when he messes up and starts singing over the whistling, you can actually hear him laughing about it. You can almost hear what he's thinking: these stupid American hipsters will listen to anything. You can give them a song with a whistle solo (bad enough) but then you can fake the fucking solo and laugh about it…”

With that in mind, I found a bluegrass style version of “Young Folks” by dawn Landes and the WST Band. This version has no whistling. The solo is done on harmonica and fiddle. I have been a long-time fan of the bluegrass style. If you are a Peter Bjorn and John hater, this version will do nothing to change your mind, but if you are curios, here it is.

dawn Landes - Young Folks

You can find other songs by dawn Landes on her by myspace musicians account.

More info on Peter Bjorn and John can be found on their homepage and several songs from “Writers Block” can be found on their myspace page.